KEAN 2024 OfficialsPresident: Sojimon JamesVice President: Neena SudhirSecretary: Jacob JosephTreasurer: Linto MathewJoint Secretary: Vinod DamodaranJoint Treasurer: Prema AndrapalliyalEx-Officio: Shijimon MathewKEAN Committee Chairs 2024Professional Affairs: Sindhu SureshScholarship Programs: Preetha NambiarSocial and Cultural Affairs: Rajimon AbrahamStudent Outreach: Manesh NairPublic Relations: Philipose PhilipNewsletter and Publications: Biju JohnGeneral Affairs: Ajith CherayilBoard of Trustees 2024BOT Chair: Lizy PhilipBoard Member: K J GregoryBoard Member: Shaji KuriakoseBoard Member: Merry JacobBoard Member: Eldho PaulBoard Member: Manoj JohnBoard Member: Benny KurianRegional Vice Presidents 2024Rockland/Westchester Region: Jacob PhilipNYC, Long Island and Queens: Biju PuthusseryNew Jersey: Jaison AlexEx-Officio 2024Ex-Officio: Shijimon MathewAuditor 2024Auditor: Simon Joseph